Your Broker Dealer &
Asset Management Partner

Registered Investment Advisor

Classic Asset Management, LLC

Classic Asset Management, LLC (CAM) is a federally registered investment advisor (RIA) firm headquartered in the upper Midwest. CAM specializes in creating substantial efficiencies and profitability for independent investment advisors and small- to mid-sized RIA firms. CAM’s management team has been providing investment advisory services on a retail basis since 1997. As CAM has grown, it has been able to expand its business to focus on the success of other financial advisors and RIA firms. By partnering with CAM, advisors are able to benefit from our client relationship tools, business development tools, back office operations, high quality technology and comprehensive multi-custodian investment platform. This gives advisors more time to focus on what they do best, building relationships with their clients

We provide recognized value and serve as a standard of excellence. We truly provide “Classic Asset Management.”

CLASSIC Commitment

The Classic Asset Management company is dedicated to providing the tools necessary to help each of its advisors make the most of their client relationships. Not only will you find our team members knowledgeable, but you will also discover that our staff truly cares about making your dreams become a reality. As your partner, we will do everything in our power to keep you focused on where you want to go, advise you on how to get there and continually remind you of the importance of maintaining a disciplined approach to realizing your dreams.

Your success is how we measure our success.


CLASSIC Relationships

We ascribe to relationship principles noted in the book “Everything You’ve Heard Is Wrong” by Tony Campolo (Word Publishing Dallas, Texas, copyright 1992). In his book Tony states:  “People are not things to be manipulated with the right techniques.  They are not Pavlovian dogs.  We do not have the right to set them up to respond to the ‘proper’ stimuli in order to elicit the ‘proper’ response. They are not creatures to be used to further our own economic self-interest.  People are sacred!  And all of them deserve to be treated with reverent respect.  Too often, in our attempt to get people to buy what we’re selling, we approach them as though they were object instead of subjects. Too easily, we learn to have with them what the great Jewish philosopher, Martin Buber, called ‘I-it’ relationships rather than ‘I-you’ relationships.  People whom we encounter in the marketplace deserve better.  They are entitled to a measure of awe and wonder and even a bit of love.”  

Let us be an extension of your team. We’ll help maximize your time… and your bottom line.


CLASSIC Independence

The owners and management of Classic Asset Management understand the American entrepreneur’s desire for true independence. We do not offer proprietary products or set production quotas.  When an advisor or RIA firm becomes associated with the Classic organization, they are truly independent. They are free to set their own goals, determine their office location hours and staff, set their marketing strategy, pursue business in any location in which they are licensed and decide their own product mix.  What Classic asks in return is that business is conducted in a quality manner with the highest of ethical, moral and legal standards that will make us proud of you.

If you’re fiercely independent, you’ve just found your new home!


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